Project 2 Proposal

Death Bowl

I chose to adapt the movie Fishing for Goldfish by the Lumière Brothers. In the film, a man balances a baby on a table next to a fish bowl with two goldfish. The baby continually reaches into the bowl and tries to grab the fish. I wanted to turn this film into a game because of the element of play already in the action taking place. The baby is trying its hardest to get the fish, but they keep dodging its hands

In the game, you would be playing as the goldfish, swimming around the tank. You control both goldfish, one with WASD keys and the other with the arrow keys. There would be a baby hand at the top of the tank that follows you and will drop down and try to grab you. If the hand grabs you, that fish’s health bar goes down, and you must click the space bar repeatedly to escape. The longer it takes you to escape, the more your health declines. Increase your health bar by collected food pellets floating in the tank. But these are only present for a short amount of time before they disappear. The longer you stay alive, the higher your score. There will be 3 levels, getting harder as you go, with the hand getting faster. This game can potentially be a two player game, with one player using WASD keys and the other using the arrow keys. Both players try to outlast the other by keeping their health bar up. Whoever loses all their health first loses. Otherwise, an easier version of this game as a single player game would be to use the mouse. There would just be one fish, and moving the mouse moves the fish in the tank. When caught, clicking the left mouse button repeatedly, instead of the space bar, is how you would escape.